This site is dedicated to the ongoing journey of emotional and spiritual growth in the face of physical deterioration. Join Susan S. in her day-to-day battles where victories are celebrated and defeats are sorrowfully appreciated for their lessons.

Click here to read My Story Begins or Lots to Think About Now.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Visiting Dr. Chainsaw Part II

I'm in LaGuardia airport waiting for my very delayed plane for home. I'm in pain and feel extremely sick. I lay down on the floor to try and sleep and eventually had to settle for a seizure instead. Hmmmm. Imagine having a seizure on the airport floor? Well, no one seemed to notice and from my perspective it was reminiscent of the 1976 WHO concert in the Miami Stadium with lights flashing. I felt much better after that and am back to miserably waiting for my delayed plane again. Oy. Being really sick has many complications, including airline delays. I felt this one was worth a kvetch!


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